Emue awarded a Warren Centre Medal for 2011
Australia's top Engineering Centre, the Warren Centre, awards teams who has taken a new technology, developed it, turned it into a product or service, raised capital and commenced sales. The products must originate from activities in Australia. The commercialisation should be profitable, and significant financial benefits should flow to Australia.
Visa and Emue Limited deploy cards with built-in one-time password generator
In February 2009, Emue was recognised as one of the top five innovative products in Authentication and Security by Finextra, a leading independent news wire and information source for the worldwide financial technology community.
Emue wins two Élan Awards
Emue has already won several prestigious awards; among them the International Card Manufacturers Association (ICMA) top honour “Judge’s Choice” Élan Award and the “Technical Achievement” Élan Award. The Élan awards recognised the Emue Card’s design innovation and technical achievement in the card manufacturing industry, and were judged by an independent panel of ICMA associate members, industry notables and international journalists.
Tomorrows Technology Today Award
Emue also won the prestigious Silicon Valley industry’s Tomorrow’s Technology Today Award from Info Security Products Guide which recognise and honour excellence in all areas of information security, in August 2007.